
General Information in English

Title: 5/7/2011 (Sat): Japan Earthquake Relief Garage Sale (a charity rummage sale)

We are pleased to announce that on Saturday May 7, 2011, the Japan Society of San Diego and Tijuana (JSSDT) is hosting a charity rummage sale to support victims of the recent earthquake and tsunami in Japan.

The massive earthquake that hit Japan in early March this year may have caused over 27,000 casualties, and more than 130,000 people are being housed in shelters. The damage caused so far has been estimated in excess of $200 billion dollars.

Despite this tragedy, Japan is slowly making efforts to recover from the devastation. Although we reside on the other side of Pacific Ocean, the Japanese researchers in San Diego are committed to giving their support. The Japanese Researcher Network in San Diego along with JSSDT will hold a “Japan Earthquake Relief Garage Sale” to raise funds. All proceeds will be donated to the Japanese Red Cross. We will have household goods, handmade crafts, clothing, toys, books, small furniture, cookies, etc. for sale at the event. We also feature some rare Japanese items that are unlikely to be found at regular rummage sales. Please do not miss this opportunity to participate in this fun and unique event!

Please pass this along to your friends and family, and we look forward to seeing you there!

Hop, Step, Jump for Japan!
Many thanks---ARIGATOU!

Time: Saturday, May 7, 2011
9:00 am - 3:00 pm

Place: Kyocera America, Inc. East Parking Lot
8611 Balboa Ave. 
San Diego, CA 92123

Host: Japan Society of San Diego and Tijuana (NPO, http://www.japan-society.org/)

Event organizer: Japanese Researcher Network in San Diego (Volunteers working at The Scripps Research Institute and others)

Co-sponsor: Accelagen; Accel Mortors; Allele Biotechnology; BioLegend; GenWay Biotech; InvivoGen; Kyocera America, Inc.; Nacalai USA; Rockland Immunochemicals; ViaCyte Inc.; Yamato Transport USA

We would appreciate if you have things to donate. Please e-mail us at sdcharity050711+donation@gmail.com

Donation information:
Donation drop-off on the day of the event (7 May 2011): Please drop off your items at the event venue from 7-9 am.

Donations prior to the event:  Please drop off your items at Yamato Transport USA and Accel Motors.
The address of these locations are:

Yamato Transport USA (Miramar)
7726 Trade St, #A,
San Diego, CA 92121 
Tel: (858) 586-0750 until 5/6 (Fri), from 8am-5pm weekdays only.

Accel Motors (Convoy)
7914 Ronson Rd, Suite H,
San Diego, CA 92111 
Tel: (858) 952-0845 until 5/6 (Fri), from 10am-6pm during weekdays only.
Please make an appointment by phone prior before dropping off at Accel Motors.

*Please note*Portable furniture is only accepted in morning on the day of the event.
Sorry, we are unable to accept large-sized furniture as donations.

A message from San Diego Japanese Emergency Network: “Recycle for Japan! Proceeds from Recycling CRV Bottles, Cans, and Glass Containers will be sent to Stricken Areas in Japan. Bring Your Recyclables to Help Japan! “

東日本大震災チャリティーガレージセール のご案内

東日本大震災チャリティーガレージセール のご案内

米国京セラ様から駐車場を提供いただき、当日は物品、クラフト、手作り菓子などを販売します。 ただいま出店者、出品物 (寄付品)、ボランティアをしていただける方を大募集しています!
どんなものを出品できるの? 物品のみの寄付はどうすればいいの?どんなボランティアを募集しているの?等の質問は下記をご参照下さい。
皆様の参加をお待ちしています。 お誘いあわせのうえ、ぜひお越しください!

受付:7-9 AM
   セール:9 AM-3 PM
8611 Balboa Ave. 
San Diego, CA 92123

<主催>サンディエゴ・ティファナ日本協会(NPO, http://www.japan-society.org/

<協賛> Accelagen; Accel Mortors; Allele Biotechnology; BioLegend; GenWay Biotech; InvivoGen; Kyocera America, Inc.; Nacalai USA; Rockland Immunochemicals; ViaCyte Inc.; Yamato Transport USA

http://sdcharity050711.blogspot.com/ (オフィシャルブログ、 随時新情報を追加します。)
http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=184498964930160 (facebook)

物品の寄付, 出店ボランティア参加については下記に詳細があります。


洋服大人、子供、ベビー、靴、家電、スポーツ用品、 家具、ベビー用品、アクセサリー類、食器・キッチン用品、食品注1、本、DVDCD、おもちゃ、観葉植物など。手作りの品アクセサリーなども歓迎。

新品・中古。 中古の場合は、状態のいいものをお願いしています。
注1:手作りのBaked foodsクッキー、ケーキ、パンなど


事前登録が必須です 。(sdcharity050711+sale@gmail.com)
登録期限は、飲食物の販売4/30(土)まで その他5/6(金)まで



7726 Trade St, #A, San Diego, CA 92121 
Tel: (858) 586-0750

7914 Ronson Rd, Suite H,
San Diego, CA 92111
Tel: (858) 952-0845



San Diego Japanese Emergency Network様から
“ Recycle for Japan!